Hi there! I’m Indira.

I’m an executive assistant and an alum of Columbia University who majored in film and media studies. I love to combine my experience with administration and management with my education and experience in film and radio production. All angles of production are fascinating to me, and I’m eager to continually expand my skillset.

Photo by Tara Jovic

Throughout my senior year, I had the honor of serving as President of Columbia Undergraduate Film Productions. My main focus was assisting the six recipients of the annual CUFP Micro-Grant in accessing funds and campus resources as they completed their films. We celebrated this at our first in-person CUFP Film Festival since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic!

Besides film, I was a Programmer in the News and Arts departments for our radio station, WKCR FM. I also am fascinated by the intersections between culture, society, and language and would love to try my hand learning — or even writing! — a conlang.

Samples of my work can be found in my portfolio if interested. Thanks for stopping by!